Ober3550's Science Overhaul deprecated

This mod overhauls Angel Bobs Science to require more of the amazing processes they provide.

6 years ago

g Can't figure out how to automate wood.

6 years ago

So im trying to get raw wood automated but I can't seem to figure it out.

Only angles alpha bioprocessing seems to be able to give me wood so i'm trying to learn how to but I stumbled into a loop I can't get out. I need fermentation base to make compost, but I need compost to make soil for the wheaton.

I downloaded the modpack from github

6 years ago

Uhh... go into FNEI and enable see hidden recipes. You can infact make compost out of any plant material including brown algae ^-^

6 years ago

Wow really ? Thanks alot never had that problem before with FNEI <3

6 years ago

Wow really ? Thanks alot never had that problem before with FNEI <3

Edit: Yeah I see all the recipes now, thanks alot ! Modpack is great so far.

6 years ago

Wow really ? Thanks alot never had that problem before with FNEI <3

Edit: Yeah I see all the recipes now, thanks alot ! Modpack is great so far.

6 years ago

Be sure to update occasionally. I promise not to change things too significantly.

6 years ago

Green science went from electric poles / fast inserters to transport belt / regular inserter O.O. atleast I can make resin now, i'll fix it I guess.

6 years ago

Woops really need to be careful with updating it seems, I just installed the new 16.13 oberpack but that seemed to have broke everything. I got the master downloaded and the science packs are back to what they were STARTING OVER AGAIN DAMNIT.

6 years ago

And I can't make resin anymore hahaha dangit ! Any reason for the resin change ? Sorry im off topic.

6 years ago

Theres a big bolded warning that updating in game will break the pack. But the intention for resin to only be hand crafted is to allow some easy solder and white circuits early game but force the use of the angels resin for a permanent automation solution. Theres only 4 petrochem products so its kinda pointless if resin and rubber can be made entirely from wood.

6 years ago

Also you probably had the weird issues between updates because I actually separated the bobs nerfs and tweaks from the actual science changes. This is so that people can play normal bobs angels with the nerfs without having to necessarily use my sciences.

6 years ago

Great no problem, is the game balanced around every ore being found in the world as is ? Its the only issue I would have in the mod (im almost at blue science so take it with a grain of salt). I love using all the sorting recipes etc to get the rarer ores but just finding 12 mil gold somehwere seems to defeat that purpose for me.

6 years ago

You probably didn't notice... but the generation region size is 10 which majorly decreases (increases the area) the probability you find ore patches of any kind. I've been playing with two other guys on our own map and considering the changes in the requirements of gold for modules it is astronomical the amount of resources it takes for them. Most of the rarer ores occur less often within the world and instead of making your map stupidly large going for infinite ore patches with the angels ores is highly incentivised. I am also in the process of adding the mineral sludge crystalisation recipes from seablock which offers the same style of water to ore progression possible. The modpack if I forced the use of angels ores I feel would make the early-mid game unreasonably long even though the end game should include these recipes in the end. It took me and 1 other guy 100 hours to get to high tech science. You probably don't realise how much harder all the other science are now. It's not just a massive hurdle to get to blue science but each of the sciences red - > green -> blue -> military -> logistics -> production -> high tech should be an achievement in of itself.

6 years ago

If you would like I could add a setting to only allow angels ores

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Thanks, if I "finish" this map (im playing co op) I might, I'll hold of to draw any conclusions before I beat it. But I think lowering costs of products and only enabling angels ore etc would be a better way to approach it. Anyway i'm all for balance but also want to be "forced" to use as many recipes as possible. The resin change really opened my eyes to that.

P.S. did you remove the green belts ? I'm still really paranoid about that failed update I did, theres no way to check everything is in order right ? High tech science needs mk5 drill thats how I checked :D

Can't stress how much I love this pack so far thanks alot dude.

6 years ago

So the belt speeds were changed to 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x... but I did alot of testing and the sheer speed of the belt was really really buggy with the way the items moved on the belts and even with the purple belts they're faster than any other mods belts (usually the fastest is 6x speed for green belts). I personally don't like the amount of effort early game takes to get a reasonable base started which is why the game is structured in the way that its easy to start but hard to finish because by the end you're churning through resources and must use the angels infinite ores lest you make your map size stupidly big.

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