I have been messing around with the Ore settings, and eventually (to me) at some point it scales real quickly and you get into the millions fast. Since ore patches are more regularly spaced in the maze I would love to be able to set it to scale linearly.
Something like:
Starting Value:
Increment_by Value:
in the mod UI
Example ( Starting=200 , Increment_by=200)
The first copper patch (closest) would be 200k, then the next furthest patch would be 400k, then 600k, 800k, 1m. It would be the same for each ore type. The closest iron would be 200k, then 400k, 600k, 800k, 1m, etc.
I want to be encouraged to explore the maze farther. Once you get to 50 million ore patches you just don't need to keep going. The combination of the linear scaling, the more even distribution or ore patches, plus Mining productivity research I feel would be a really fun way to keep going further.
I am looking in the mod files where I could make these edits myself, but no luck yet. Any suggestions where, or if there is an easy place to make this change in the mod file itself?