Resource Labels Updated

by sproott

Adds icons to resources on the map, optionally with a label and the resource count.

2 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Support request: Nullius and Lambent Nil

1 year, 21 days ago

These two mods add a few resources that aren't recognized by the labeler, I added them myself but not sure if I missed any since Nullius is one of the longer mods out there.

Lambent Nil works with Nullius and adds a few resources of its own.


1 year, 20 days ago

I'll get around to this in the following few days. Could you please, in the meantime, send me the resources you've added so far?

Or if you're so inclined, you could check if you have missed any ores by opening a testing map in the Editor and spawning in all the resource patches available, then running the label generation. You'll get the "missing label definition" messages as usual and you'll know what you're missing.

Not sure if you're familiar with GitHub and Pull Requests, if not, feel free to just send the code lines here, I'll add them to a new version of the mod.

Thank you!

1 year, 7 days ago

Hi, i'm not used to pull requests so here's what I have, I haven't run into any missing resource messages in a while but I know both mods add rocks with specific resources in them, not sure if your mod labels those too:

-- Nullius
if script.active_mods['nullius'] then
addItem('nullius-bauxite', 'Bauxite', 'nullius-bauxite')
addItem('nullius-limestone', 'Limestone', 'nullius-limestone')
addItem('nullius-sandstone', 'Sandstone', 'nullius-sandstone')
addFluid('nullius-fumarole', 'Volcanic Gas', 'nullius-volcanic-gas')

-- Lambent nil
if script.active_mods['lambent-nil'] then
addItem('lambent-nil-phosphorite', 'Phosphorite', 'nullius-phosphorite')

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