Resource Fabricators

This mod adds in machines that generate resources via power. It is designed for those who would like the challenge of a low/no resource world. Simply disable all resources(except trees and water) when starting up a world.

4 years ago

a Resource Fabricators 0.1.1 Fix

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

-Fixed a few errors that left all fabricators unlocked when starting a world. You will now have to unlock them via their respective technologies.
-Fixed the resource recipes being visible in the player crafting window.
-Fixed the Electric Resource Fabricator 1 tech's image. It now displays the correct fabricator.
-Fixed the resource recipes being invisible in the fabricator crafting window.
-Fixed the thumbnail

4 years ago

The mod portal will implement a changelog for you if you include a changelog.txt.

Hope this helps :)

4 years ago

That does indeed, thank you.

New response