Resource Fabricators

This mod adds in machines that generate resources via power. It is designed for those who would like the challenge of a low/no resource world. Simply disable all resources(except trees and water) when starting up a world.

4 years ago

g Noice

4 years ago

I really really like the idea of this, can it detect all resources you have available. Or does it have a set list of resources to check?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

It only has a set list of resources. Basically just the vanilla ones, locked by the tier of fabricator. I just made a link to a mod spotlight that (I think) covers all of what the mod can do in the description of the mod.

4 years ago

Right on, any plans for mod support in the future?

4 years ago

video is set to private btw

4 years ago

Not sure about the mod support part. Best I can say is "I'll try". it was kinda just a, "I've done coding before. Can I do this?" As for the video, it might help if I actually click the 'Publish' button :D

4 years ago

Hey, just a heads up, I forgot to disable the advanced recipes when I added the technologies and hide the resources from the players crafting window. The new version should fix that.

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