Realistic Reactor Glow

by ouk_ouk

The glow of working nuclear reactor has the proper color now!

4 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

i Expand on other burning situations

2 months ago

Perhaps this mode could expand, like:

2 months ago

Do you mean that the reactor should glow when it is working?

2 months ago

i mean like some of the glow should shine on the ground.

2 months ago

I'm not sure if the game engine supports such lighting. From what I know, all it allows is to have glow in a circle around an object and to make some parts of textures be kinda resistant to darkness. Maybe with some clever texture work it would be possible to make a semi-decent effect but I'm not good enough at graphic.
Beside, this is not in the scope of this mod. All it's supposed to do is to change color of the light.
If there is another mod that adds the glow, I could maybe add support for it to also change that color.

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