Realistic Reactor Glow

by ouk_ouk

The glow of working nuclear reactor has the proper color now!

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g color?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Which is actually?

5 years ago

Blue seems to be mixed with green, is this intentional?

5 years ago

I'm setting color like this:
nuclearReactorReactor.light.color = {b = 1, g = 0, r = 0}
so it should be pure blue. I think it was working in 0.16 so maybe they have changed something in way color is handled.

5 years ago

I've found two lines in the source of the original reactor which may be connected to the problem:
-- use_fuel_glow_color = false, -- should use glow color from fuel item prototype as light color and tint for working_light_picture
-- default_fuel_glow_color = { 0, 1, 0, 1 } -- color used as working_light_picture tint for fuels that don't have glow color defined
I'll test it when I have some time.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I re enable/disable all modules, it seems to be a problem caused by bob's module...

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)


5 years ago

The glow is still mostly white so I would consider it a bug.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

There are changes in how the color is handled. I had to search them all out in my nuclear mod. You can see all of the places you need to change if you want to check my code there. I would tell you but I don't remember them all because I made that mod 6 months ago. The main things I remember are that you need to be sure you've handled the fuel's reactor glow color, the default reactor glow colors, the working light color, the light color, and I think there are one or two more. I also found that the colors don't always work as expected. Tried filing a bug report about it but they didn't believe me. :P

If you do look at my code, my colors will be different because I'm making a different assumption than you are. You're using colors from cherenkov radiation that occurs within water from a submerged reactor, whereas I interpret this reactor to be a liquid-metal-cooled reactor, which glows with the red-orange of a liquid metal coolant. But the slew of light prototypes that need to be changed are the same.

4 years ago

I did a few test and it looks like the color works after all. It just doesn't look as blue as I hoped. Maybe because during night everything looks blueish and maybe blue is just similar to white.
For a test, I've changed the tint to red for a test and it is clearly red on the whole area beside a small path around the heat pipe at the top of the reactor which is whiter. I think this spot is partially reserved for the heat glow. The vanilla reactor has this path too.

I would say this case is closed.

New response