RealisticReactor‘s reactor entities is deepcopy from table reactor_template
All prototype included: reactor_normal{name = "realistic-reactor-normal"} reactor_power_normal{name = "realistic-reactor-power-normal"} reactor_breeder{name = "realistic-reactor-breeder"} reactor_power_breeder{name = "realistic-reactor-power-breeder"} temp_reactor{name = "realistic-reactor-"..<1-250>}
Their working_light_picture
are transparent , and light
base on prototypes/entities.lua:line225:reactor_normal.light = REACTOR_GLOW
is defined in data.lua
(REACTOR_GLOW = {intensity = 0.7, size = 9.9, shift = {0.0, 0.0}, color = {r = 0.35, g = 0.8, b = 1.0}})
So.. If adapting by RRG, all the prototypes above need to be modified...:x
If adapting by RR, they just need to reference the RRG‘s nuclearReactorReactor.light.color