Radioactive Damage

Handling uranium is radioactive and can kill you. You can use a Hazmat Suit to deal with the radioactivity.

5 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i Safety

5 years ago

Is there hazmat suit?

5 years ago

I just updated with the Hazmat Suit!! Thanks Sgamez!

5 years ago

your wellcome

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hey again another idea u can add hazmat suit power armor equipment so when u have power armor u don't need to take it off. u can make some equipment to power armor that dose the same as the hazmat suit.
or if u can do somthing with gui stuff u can take the old spot for picks and add a second slot for hazmat so u can have both on at the same time. also wil say that u can make some compadebillety for bob's angels thorium. and MadClowns- nuclear. ???

5 years ago

I second this. This is a great realistic feature (to add radioactive damage) and by making anti-radioactivity into an insertable equipment will help integrate this mod with more possibilities.

5 years ago


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