Quarry v0.16 (no longer needed) deprecated

by Baedel

The originalmod is available for 0.16 so use that mod. https://mods.factorio.com/mod/quarry

6 years ago

b Stone residue Error

6 years ago

Hello, i'm trying to use your fix of this mod, but i come across this error while launching the game. I'm using Bob and Angels as "big" mods. I can provide a more detailed list if that is needed.

Here is the error https://i.imgur.com/wqt0cNC.png

I've tried to look around the code quickly, but couldn't find an obvious fix.

6 years ago

thx for response.

bobores was the problem, i fixed it in the 1.6.10 version.

4 years ago

Hey, I'd love to run original mod on 0.17.79 and I got the same problem as Tixout, but I can't find the solution. Thx

New response