Quality Plus

by orzelek

This mod adds additional 5 quality levels that go between base game ones.

a month ago

b [Issue] Quality Assurance

a month ago

Hi! I'm the developer of another quality related mod, Quality Assurance (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/QualityAssurance). On line 200 in data.lua, you index a local 'epicTech' which is nil. If this is the technology, then your mod is incompatible with Quality Assurance. Ways to fix this include: Checking for nils before trying to modify or access information about the legendary quality technology.
The full error can be see in the discussions tab where I was first notified about this: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/QualityAssurance/discussion/6748bb9926e562ccc06dc112

a month ago

It would be quite hard to protect from all the things missings but for techs it's easily doable - I'll try to fix it.

New response