Problem with the "Electrolysis 1" and "Electrolysis 2" technology. When you enable this mod, they disappear, along with items that are opened by this technology. If you create a new map and enable / disable the mod, then the technology will disappear / appear. But on the old map (about a month), where initially there was a technology with this mod, but later after some updates to other mods, it disappeared. And now it doesn't appear even when you disable the mod. How can I fix this?
AsphaltRoads = "1.2.0",
Big_Brother = "0.5.3",
BlueprintLab_design = "1.0.1",
Bottleneck = "0.11.5",
["Clowns-AngelBob-Nuclear"] = "1.1.15",
["Clowns-Nuclear"] = "1.3.11",
["Clowns-Processing"] = "1.3.12",
["Clowns-Science"] = "1.0.26",
DeadlocksStackingForPyanadon = "0.4.3",
Dectorio = "0.10.9",
DiscoScience = "1.0.2",
Enhanced_Map_Colors = "1.5.3",
FARL = "4.0.7",
FNEI = "0.3.4",
Factorissimo2 = "2.4.3",
["Flow Control"] = "3.0.6",
["Inventory Sensor"] = "1.8.3",
LTN_Combinator_Fix = "0.6.2",
LTN_Content_Reader = "0.3.5",
LogisticTrainNetwork = "1.14.6",
MaxRateCalculator = "3.4.47",
["PyCoalTBaA-Temp-Dark"] = "0.9.15",
Robot_Battery_Research = "0.2.0",
SchallEndgameEvolution = "1.0.0",
ShinyBobGFX = "0.18.4",
ShinyIcons = "0.18.1",
["Squeak Through"] = "1.8.0",
Tapeline = "1.1.6",
TerrainEvolution = "1.0.12",
TheFatController = "5.0.7",
["Todo-List"] = "18.0.1",
VehicleGrid = "1.3.0",
WaterWell = "1.0.21",
Waterfill_v17 = "0.18.0",
YARM = "0.8.102",
Yi_Tech_Tree = "1.0.0",
Yuoki = "1.0.2",
["aai-industry"] = "0.4.23",
["aai-programmable-structures"] = "0.6.6",
["aai-programmable-vehicles"] = "0.6.14",
["aai-signal-transmission"] = "0.3.22",
["aai-signals"] = "0.5.2",
["aai-vehicles-chaingunner"] = "0.5.2",
["aai-vehicles-flame-tank"] = "0.4.1",
["aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler"] = "0.5.1",
["aai-vehicles-hauler"] = "0.5.1",
["aai-vehicles-laser-tank"] = "0.5.2",
["aai-vehicles-miner"] = "0.5.9",
["aai-vehicles-warden"] = "0.4.2",
["aai-zones"] = "0.5.2",
["angelsaddons-mobility"] = "0.0.3",
["angelsaddons-storage"] = "0.0.2",
angelsbioprocessing = "0.7.15",
angelsexploration = "0.3.8",
angelsindustries = "0.4.7",
angelsinfiniteores = "0.9.5",
angelspetrochem = "0.9.15",
angelsrefining = "0.11.17",
angelssmelting = "0.6.12",
base = "1.0.0",
beltSorter = "0.7.0",
bobassembly = "1.0.0",
bobelectronics = "1.0.0",
bobenemies = "1.0.0",
bobequipment = "1.0.0",
bobinserters = "1.0.1",
boblibrary = "1.0.0",
boblogistics = "1.0.0",
bobmining = "1.0.0",
bobmodules = "1.0.0",
bobores = "1.0.0",
bobplates = "1.0.2",
bobpower = "1.0.0",
bobrevamp = "1.0.1",
bobtech = "1.0.0",
bobvehicleequipment = "1.0.1",
bobwarfare = "1.0.0",
["deadlock-beltboxes-loaders"] = "2.3.7",
["deadlock-integrations"] = "2.1.3",
["deadlock-stacking-crating-bobs"] = "0.8.1",
["even-distribution"] = "0.3.18",
["far-reach"] = "1.0.1",
flib = "0.5.0",
["grappling-gun"] = "0.2.6",
helmod = "0.11.18",
miniloader = "1.12.3",
["more-minimap-autohide-017"] = "1.0.1",
["more-petrochem-hell"] = "0.18.2",
["nixie-tubes"] = "0.18.5",
pyalienlifegraphics = "1.3.1",
pyalienlifegraphics2 = "1.1.5",
pyalienlifegraphics3 = "1.2.0",
pycoalprocessing = "1.8.5",
pycoalprocessinggraphics = "1.0.8",
pyfusionenergy = "1.6.5",
pyfusionenergygraphics = "1.0.6",
pyhightech = "1.6.8",
pyhightechgraphics = "1.1.1",
pyindustry = "1.4.9",
pypetroleumhandling = "1.9.2",
pypetroleumhandlinggraphics = "1.0.8",
qol_research = "3.2.1",
["reskins-bobs"] = "1.0.6",
["reskins-library"] = "1.0.8",
["rso-mod"] = "6.1.2",
stdlib = "1.4.5",
tree_collision = "1.0.0",
yi_engines = "1.0.45"