Pump Anywhere

Pump anywhere allows offshore pumps to be placed anywhere. This allows the creation of water well pumps without the use of landfill.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g (Resolved - Mods are not compatible) Space Exploration

4 years ago

Whenever I enable this mod while I have Space Exploration enabled, it prevents SE from loading, even when I enable SE. I also reported this to SE's author. I don't get any warnings or crashes or anything, the SE mods simply don't load.

4 years ago

I think both mods are trying to modify the same parameters of the offshore pump, causing a conflict. To be honest the Space Exploration mod is way more complicated than my limited understanding of modding, so unfortunately they will just have to remain incompatible for now.

4 years ago

As far as I can tell, Earendel added this mod to a long list that are incompatible with Space Exploration. I think it's mainly because some planets have no water at all, and being able to build pumps on waterless worlds would make that challenge pointless.

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