Pump Anywhere

Pump anywhere allows offshore pumps to be placed anywhere. This allows the creation of water well pumps without the use of landfill.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b (Resolved) Not working in 0.18.10

5 years ago

Please take a look .. with 0.18.10 .. they made some changes to offshore pumps.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I have just updated the mod to work (mostly - see known issues) with 18.10. Offshore pumps can now once again be placed on land.

Known Issues:
- Item Rotation resets with cursor movement

5 years ago

Yup, that cursor movement thing is weird.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

does not seem to work yet - am I missing something?

edit: forget it, works like a charm

5 years ago

It still wasn't working for me. Changing data-final-fixes to

data.raw["offshore-pump"]["offshore-pump"].placeable_position_visualization = nil
data.raw["offshore-pump"]["offshore-pump"].flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"}
data.raw["offshore-pump"]["offshore-pump"].adjacent_tile_collision_test = { "ground-tile" }
data.raw["offshore-pump"]["offshore-pump"].adjacent_tile_collision_box = { { -0.5, -0.25}, {0.5, 0.25} }
data.raw["offshore-pump"]["offshore-pump"].adjacent_tile_collision_mask = nil

got things working however

5 years ago

Thanks for the help reapersms! That seems to fix the rotation issues.

Though the way you have .adjacent_tile_collision_test = { "ground-tile" } causes the pump not to be placeable when parallel against water, that is why I had that line as .adjacent_tile_collision_test = { "ground-tile", "water-tile", "object-layer" }

I have combined part of your fix into the mod and given you credit for the bugfix:
- Fixed that item rotation was resetting with cursor movement (Thanks to user reapersms for the help!)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Ah, I checked normal shore attempts, but not parallel. It may be that the adjacent collision box needs more tweaking. I guessed at numbers that would have that check the same tile as the center one, but the bulk of my modding experience is limited to screwing with recipes.

I suspect the cursor movement issue was due to the default offshore pump flags including filter-directions

Nuking all of the adjacent tile bits to nil wouldn't let me build pumps on land here, not sure why not though.

Looks like parallel horizontally to water works, vertical doesn't. Perhaps it isn't rotating the adjacent tile box, or I have it really wrong there...

5 years ago

Ah I gotcha, that makes since with the flags for filter-directions.
It seems to work now with every direction except placing the output directly towards the water, which is fine I guess as you couldn't hook up a pipe to it in that orientation anyway...

5 years ago

That would probably be the fluid box collision mask, also understandable

4 years ago

is there a schall scaling version or patch?

4 years ago

is there a schall scaling version or patch?

Only the vanilla offshore pump is supported by this mod. I have not tested compatibility with any other mods that also modify the offshore pump.

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