Pole Lamps

by Viidi

All poles placed with lamps. You can safely remove this mod.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

i Possible optimaztion

25 days ago
(updated 25 days ago)

Would it be possible to use this reference so that runtime changes are not required?

I will do some quick testing and if this is the case your more then welcome to use my code.

25 days ago

Got it to work


local poleLamp = data.raw["lamp"]["small-lamp"]

---@type table<string, boolean>
local excluded = {}
for name in string.gmatch(settings.startup["polelamps_expluded"].value, '([^ ]+)') do
excluded[name] = true

for _, pole in pairs(data.raw["electric-pole"]) do
if not excluded[pole.name] then
pole.light = table.deepcopy(poleLamp.light)
pole.light.minimum_darkness = 0.5


type = "string-setting",
name = "polelamps_expluded",
order = "aa",
setting_type = "startup",
default_value = "bi-power-to-rail-pole bi-rail-hidden-power-pole ee-super-electric-pole ee-super-substation",

25 days ago

One notable point is the lack of power consumption. I'm unsure if this can be achieved using only the Prototype Stage.

24 days ago

Hi. Thanks for the advice.

Try to achieve a power shortage in the network. In the current implementation, this leads to the entire base starting to blink. And it looks epic and cool - I don't want to give it up. Will this behavior be the same if I use pole.light?

24 days ago

It would not, its kind of unfortunate that there is no way to add power draw :{
WUBE get on it XD

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