Picker Vehicles

by Nexela

Vechicle related tweaks and features.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Movement keys and manual trains: configurable?

5 years ago

This is an incredibly helpful mod -- thank you!

One question concerning the recent addition where hitting a movement key in a train switches the train to manual mode. Would it be possible to make that optional? I find that, when I rest my left hand on the keyboard during a long automatic train ride, I often hit A, S, or D unintentionally, switching the train to manual mode and, as often as not, causing it to coast past and overshoot its next exit (one of the few downsides of using nuclear fuel <grin>). Hitting J to switch it back to auto mode works, except that the train is now going to the next stop in its schedule, not the one I was originally going to. Since my PAX train usually has a lot of stops in its schedule, it's kind of irritating to have to open up the schedule and scroll through to find the specific stop I wanted.

I haven't seen an option that controls this, short of unbinding WASD, which is pretty obviously a non-starter :-) but I'm not at my Factorio computer at the moment so I can't double-check.


5 years ago

Disabling those is a startup setting "Moving toggles to Manual trains"
I may change it to a per/user setting

Also going to the next, next station sounds like a bug I will to look into.

5 years ago

Ah! I either never thought to look in the startup settings, or I just completely overlooked that option. Works fine; thanks!

And yeah, it would be really nice to be able to just hit J and have the train resume its previous route.

4 years ago

There have been no changes to the J behavior over the last 10 months, so I wanted to ask if you're still looking into it, or found that it couldn't be fixed?

4 years ago

Or found that I completely forgot about this!

4 years ago

Hah. Good luck! :D

Though if you're already busy with other stuff or just don't feel like doing it (the huge patch next week will probably keep you distracted anyway Oo), this is probably one of the features with a lower priority as far as we users are concerned.

4 years ago

Next version will no longer automaticly increment station when toggling to automatic (Shift-J) can be used to do that

4 years ago

Nice. Thanks for keeping your mods active and working!

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