Picker Tweaks

by Nexela

Adds various small data tweaks for adjusting base values of items. Tweaks are adjustable via Mod Settings and most start off at factorio defaults.

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Bug on wires color?

1 year, 2 months ago

I set red & green wires on visible 50%.
But green are displayed as red 50% and red as red 100%

1 year, 2 months ago

Found it!

/graphics/wires/copper/50-green-wire.png need to be moved to /graphics/wires/green/50-green-wire.png

And change /prototypes/wire-tweaks.lua

@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@

 if not (settings.startup['picker-wire-color-red'].value == 'default') then
-    local wire = data.raw['utility-sprites']['default'].green_wire
+    local wire = data.raw['utility-sprites']['default'].red_wire
     local shadow = data.raw['utility-sprites']['default'].wire_shadow
     shadow.filename = '__PickerTweaks__/graphics/wires/transparent-wire-shadow.png'
     shadow.hr_version = nil

     if settings.startup['picker-wire-color-red'].value == 'yellow' then
-        Item('green-wire', 'item').icon = '__PickerTweaks__/graphics/wires/red/icon-yellow-wire.png'
+        Item('red-wire', 'item').icon = '__PickerTweaks__/graphics/wires/red/icon-yellow-wire.png'
         wire.filename = '__PickerTweaks__/graphics/wires/red/red-wire-y.png'
         wire.hr_version.filename = '__PickerTweaks__/graphics/wires/red/hr-red-wire-y.png'
     elseif settings.startup['picker-wire-color-red'].value == 'invisible' then

New response