Picker Dollies

by Nexela

Move most placed entities quickly and easily.

1 year, 4 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b items moving 2 squares

3 years ago

In 18.37, shift-arrow moves items 2 squares, rather than 1 square. This doesn't happen infactorio 18.36. Not sure if this is a mod bug, or a game bug!

3 years ago

I'm getting the same thing here, 18.37 makes things move 2 tiles at a time.

3 years ago

Yes, this is not good. Please fix.

3 years ago

Same issue here.

3 years ago

I believe this is a result of the new on-grid blueprinting taking into account the 2-tile snapping of rails.

3 years ago

Came here to report the same bug, can confirm it's happening here also. Very frustrating!

I agree with @gnemonix, has to be something to do with the new blueprint grid snapping.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

In control.lua, line 151:
--Distance to move the source, defaults to 1 + grid shift
local distance = event.distance or 1 + entity.prototype.building_grid_bit_shift
Change to:
--Distance to move the source, defaults to 1 + grid shift
local distance = event.distance or 1
Tested, works.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

@Mig53: thats because Covid-19 is active. For safety reasons "local distance" is moving everyone further away.... ;-)
And thanks for the quickfix.

3 years ago

Indeed, it works! Thank you very much for that @MiG53.

3 years ago

+1, please fix it!

3 years ago

I noticed this too. Came here to report the issue. It's really annoying.

3 years ago

Fixed! I hope

3 years ago

yes, definitely fixed
thank you very much

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