Picker Blueprinter

by Nexela

Blueprint related scripts

1 year, 10 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b When making a new blueprint book

3 years ago

Please include the steps used to get to this point. Thanks

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I think the same message, but here it is as text rather an image which you can't copy and paste from...
steps below as well

16545.109 Script @stdlib/stdlib/core.lua:46: PickerBlueprinter:Index out of inventory bounds.
stack traceback:
stdlib/stdlib/entity/inventory.lua:95: in function 'get_blueprint'
PickerBlueprinter/scripts/bpmirror.lua:33: in function <PickerBlueprinter/scripts/bpmirror.lua:31>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
stdlib/stdlib/event/event.lua:355: in function 'dispatch_event'
stdlib/stdlib/event/event.lua:438: in function <stdlib/stdlib/event/event.lua:389>

This happens any time I try to create a blue print book is all.
It sometimes crashes the game and other times doesn't.

I have a button in the short cut part to create a book, and clicking that causes this every time.

3 years ago

Sorry for not replying. There were no steps. It happened immediately upon clicking the "new blueprint book" icon in the UI.

3 years ago

Same thing here. I notice it's been a few weeks since this was first reported so thought I'd throw in another log file:

407.372 Script @stdlib/stdlib/core.lua:46: PickerBlueprinter:Index out of inventory bounds.
stack traceback:
stdlib/stdlib/entity/inventory.lua:95: in function 'get_blueprint'
PickerBlueprinter/scripts/bpmirror.lua:33: in function <PickerBlueprinter/scripts/bpmirror.lua:31>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
stdlib/stdlib/event/event.lua:355: in function 'dispatch_event'
stdlib/stdlib/event/event.lua:438: in function <stdlib/stdlib/event/event.lua:389>

The only steps needed to reproduce this is to click on the "blueprint book" icon in the shortcut bar.

3 years ago

I thought this got fixed already in a newer version
but I haven't tried it in awhile so I might be thinking of another mod

sometimes it just reported the error but didn't crash the game
other times it did both :(

3 years ago

Fixed in the latest release of stdlib, Thank you

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Thank you Nexela, I'll check it out!

Edit: Yup, fixed. You're the best. Thanks for all the work you continue to do for this amazing game!

New response