Picker Blueprinter

by Nexela

Blueprint related scripts

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Version numbers above 99 don't get incremented when upgrading.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

(Title is slightly misleading, any number with 3 or more digits is not incremented. Sorry)
I used to use version numbers that were split, such as v5.11, where the first number notates major changes or releases, and the number behind the dot notates minor changes. To take advantage of the automatic incrementing I recently changed that system by simply excluding the dot, so the version number above would now be v511.
Sadly the updater can only increment up to 99. Anything with three digits or more remains unchanged. That includes v001 for example, or v1000.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Today I can't even version-update blueprints above a single digit anymore. I'm not sure what might have changed, I certainly did nothing to the mods themselves, nor have I installed or uninstalled any.

New response