Picker Blueprinter

by Nexela

Blueprint related scripts

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Shift+Mousewheel book scrolling not working

4 years ago

I am running most of the Picker suite (extended, blueprinter, belt tools, inventory tools, pipe tools) and have isolated this issue to blueprinter.

With blueprinter disabled, shift+mousewheel up correctly scrolls to the next recipe in a book, and shift+mousewheel down correctly scrolls to the previous recipe.

With blueprinter enabled, shift+mousewheel down works as intended. Shift+mousewheel up always resets the book to the first recipe, and does not scroll to the next recipe.

I have scoured all the keybinds and mod settings, and haven't been able to find any settings that would cause this behavior. Did I miss something, or is it a bug?

4 years ago

I can't reproduce this behaviour. If you have a save game available I can try and reproduce that way

4 years ago

Well, after updating to the latest version, the issue now seems to have gone away. Very strange. Either way, thanks!

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