Personal Logistics Import/Export

by sproott

Allows you to export your current personal logistics settings and import them in a different save.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Does this currently work?

3 years ago

I can't seem to see this mod at all in the game. I have it installed, running 1.0. Am I missing something I see no trace of it, and it doesn't show proper information in the game when you install it.

3 years ago

Look for and "I" and "E" icons next to the quickbar, where blueprints and other shortcuts are. The "E" button should export your requests into a string. You can then import it via pasting the string into the menu that pops up with the "I" button.

3 years ago

Awesome thank you for the response. My bar was full already so I didn't see it.

New response