Personal Assistant

by withers

Adds a personal assistant who will help you manage your base.

6 years ago

b Harvest Error

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Got this error after telling a single PA to harvest; error happened as tree 'died'

Error while running event
PersonalAssistant::on_entity_died (ID 4)
_PersonalAssistant__/control.lua:242:attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'loot' (a nil value)

6 years ago

I have the same issue, the game crashes when the assistant tries to mine wood, regardless of there being an assigned active chest or not.

6 years ago

I wasn't able to reproduce this bug, but I made it examine trees alot more "comprehensively", so it shouldn't crash any more. If you turn on debug mode in settings, you can see if is it's still having problems with the trees. Are you using any mods that change the trees?

6 years ago

I forgot that Bio Industries modifies the trees pretty significantly, I should've thought of that, sorry XD

6 years ago

Yeah! You fixed it even if I didn't report the issue correctly, now it works with modded trees!

New response