Patch FR des Mods

by bev

Ce mod permet, à lui seul, d'obtenir la traduction française de plus de 500 mods ! Un outil indispensable pour jouer sans s'embarrasser des termes anglais. Il reprend tous les mods AAI, Angel's, Bob's, IE3, Omni, BZ, Pyanodon, EI, 5Dim mais aussi RSO, Bottleneck, Squeak Through, LTN, Factory Planner, Nullius, 248k, YARM, ... et beaucoup, beaucoup d'autres encore. La liste complète se trouve dans la description. This mod provides a locale (translation) of more than 500 mods into French.

10 days ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Shorten mod description

4 years ago

Hi, could you please make your mod info text shorter, so it won't cover other mods in the search result list. The description would be a good place to list all your features.

4 years ago

Dear yghgdzs
You're absolutely right, the "summary" part is really long. I should move the complete list to the "Description" part, but then the list of translated mods won't be read by the search engine anymore.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

You can use this uBlock filter to hide the description for this mod:
##.mod-card-summary:has-text(/Ce mod permet/)

4 years ago

Dear ducktype,
Your idea sounds really good, I tested it.
Unfortunately, the command you've proposed appears in the summary.

4 years ago

Salut bev,
I can understand that you want to have you mod show up with a lot of search results. I can also see why many French people would like to have this translation mod and that you want to make it easy to find.
But you have to understand that by far most people don't need the French translation, so for them it is pretty annoying to always see the very long title of this mod.

So I want to suggest a compromise. Only keep the very well known mods in the title and move the rest to the description. I think that this way everybody will still find your mod. If someone already knows this mod exists they can look in the description and find the mod they want to have translated.
For instance if someone is looking for "Bob's Greenhouse mod" they already know about "Bob's Logistics mod" so they don't have to find this French translation mod, because they already have it installed ;-)

This way the description might still be longer than other mods, but it wouldn't take up the whole screen. I hope you are willing to do this for all the people who don't need this mod. Keep up the good work by translating as many mods as possible, it's not an easy task!

4 years ago

Hi UnseenFactory,
I think I will have to reduce the size of the summary and lose that possibility.
You're right, for a non-French speaker, this long description is actually rather annoying.
It is a pity that the search engine doesn't scan the mod description as well.

4 years ago

Hi bev,
Thank you for making the title shorter! Hopefully enough people will still find your mod :-)

New response