PastyAngels - Paste SupportCopy

Adds Copy Paste support across different buildings for similar recipes

5 years ago

g copy&paste bugs

6 years ago

first: thanks for the useful mod!
I have noticed some bugs though, here is the first report:
Trying to copy&paste the timetable of a locomotive MK1 to a locomotive MK2 crashes the game with the following error:

Error MainLoop.cpp:1029: Exception at tick 14801288: Error while running event PastyAngels::on_entity_settings_pasted (ID 31)
Entity is not crafting-machine.
stack traceback:
PastyAngels/control.lua:188: in function 'keyword_check'
PastyAngels/control.lua:270: in function <PastyAngels/control.lua:251>

Hope the information is enough to locate the bug :)

6 years ago

also i have a bug to report

6 years ago

Sorry for delay.
@jooe, next version should fix that
@Solarwuff, I added a check that should handle that, but I'd like to know more about what you were doing when it happened

New response