Oxygen (Patched)

The story tells, that the character lands on a alien planet. Why is there a human-friendly atmosphere with oxygen?

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Tips to make Oxygen

3 years ago

Any tips to make Oxygen early game? The only way I see is to go through Assembling machine 2's

3 years ago

That is basically the only way. It's designed to make you rush to set up an O2 supply immediately after the crashlanding.

3 years ago

That is basically the only way. It's designed to make you rush to set up an O2 supply immediately after the crashlanding.

14 bottles left, I have to HURRY! :)

3 years ago

+Started Automation 2 with 550 Oxygen (6 bottles remaining)
+Finished Automation 2 with 450 Oxygen (5 bottles remaining)
+OXYGEN RECIEVED @ 440 Oxygen (5 bottles remaining)

Pretty close and it did take a straight B Line to get it ASAP. Thanks for the tip!

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