Outpost Planner for 1.1 deprecated

Automatically lay blueprints for mining outposts. Deprecated - switch to Mining Patch Planner by Rimbas

2 years ago

b multiples bugs -direction output, pipe uranium, belt color

1 year, 10 months ago

Sorry to make an other post but I manage to make my blueprint works but now the mod seems to be broken.
1- the direction output is not respected (East lead to North output and so on)
2- while making and outpost for uranium, a pipe was put in front of the miner
3- asking the mod to adapt the belt color to the output don't work (the result was yellow then red then yellow again)
My mod list is lighter than the one I use to have and in the past, I didn't have any problem so I really don't understand. A factorio update broke the mod ?

1 year, 10 months ago

I'll have to check if it was always like this, but right now you have to rotate the template blueprint so it outputs to the right if you want everything to work correctly.

1 year, 10 months ago

oh, didn't know that ! It should help to solve the first problem. thanks for the intel !

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