Outpost Planner

by bob809

Automatically build mining outposts. Dependencies: PlannerCore

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.18

b Mod not contatible with other mods resources

6 years ago

Hi there
Like in topic, doesn't work resources with other mods etc. Bob's mods
Don't know on which side is glitch, but if I remember each entity can be group etc. resurces, chest, inserter.

6 years ago

Sory, my bad.
Working well, there's only problem when when you select two diffrent resources.
Maybe in advanced settengs add checkbox "Mixing differnt resources"?

6 years ago

The mod will use the biggest patch of ore in the area you select, and if two ore patches have identical outputs it will use both (so it works with Angel's infinite ores).

I haven't tested it much with Bob's ores though, what is it currently doing and what would you like it to do?

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