Outpost Planner

by bob809

Automatically build mining outposts. Dependencies: PlannerCore

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.18

i Can you add lights?

7 years ago

First off I love this mod so much, I've played over 1000 hours of Vanilla so I feel I've paid my dues when it comes to making ore outposts lol. My question though, is it possible to add lights next to the power poles? I like lights everywhere in my base. If not maybe in a future update?

Keep up the great work


7 years ago

Thanks, it's good to hear you're finding it useful.

I'm working on a rewrite which will allow for custom layouts (which can include lamps). Realistically this is still a couple of weeks from being ready, I'll let you know when it's done.

7 years ago

Wonderful thanks, Bob... looking forward to it :)

7 years ago

I've just released the new version, sorry for the wait.

To add lights, open up the advanced menu and click on the Default button with an empty blueprint. Add a light to the blueprint and then click on the Read Blueprint button. Set the lights to be placed every, say, 4 blueprints and you should be good to go.

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