Outpost Planner

by bob809

Automatically build mining outposts. Dependencies: PlannerCore

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.18

g Update?

7 years ago

What did the recent update do?

7 years ago

0.1.8 was a few really small things: other blueprint ghosts wont be overwritten unless you're holding shift and a fix for a bug that caused too much space to be deconstructed when you had lots of output belts in the settings.

I haven't been writing changelogs, but you can see the commit history on Github.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

This is one of only two "miner site" planners that are currently supported for 0.15 on this entire mod portal. You will get heavy downloads when yours gets spotlighted.

Given that, I would recommend keeping a brief changelog HERE at the mod portal as many won't bother going to GitHub (all it should take is a copy/paste job). :)

Great mod!

7 years ago

Thanks for the change log in the gthub readme.
Really appreciate it.

7 years ago

Yep that's a very nice, easy to read, changelog!

New response