Omega Drill

Adds a large, Powerful Drill.

6 days ago
0.15 - 2.0

g Rotation

a month ago

Is it possible to make drills be able to rotate? I'm just asking because I am using mod for refillable resources and drills has to be reset every time resource is getting refilled. That is done by rotating the drills instantly

a month ago

ye i have the same issue and having them be rotatabele (even without sprite change) would solve this issue. and its kinda gamebreaking for me :/

a month ago

i fixed this for me for now. if you go tp appdata/roaming/factorio/mods there is a zip archive with the omega drill mod. unzip it, go to prototypes and open entity file, look for the omega drill and in the flags line there should be a not-rotatable flag. remove that, save file, repack it to a zip (with same name as old one) and copy your zip into the mods folder. you can save the old zip as backup but so far everything is working for me as it should.

a month ago

Yes it works, thank you!

a month ago

I kinda feel like this might be worth a bug report on the refillable resources mod - finding mining drills (of any mod!) in the area is pretty easy, and I'd be surprised if there wasn't a way to refresh them from there.

27 days ago

I tried to ask resource mod creator first, but he told me to ask if omega drills could be rotatable. Also it turns out that making them rotatable with config didn't solve issue. They are still dry after some time.

27 days ago

thats weird. after doing the mentioned fix it has been running for me flawlessly for dozens of hours

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