Omega Drill

Adds a large, Powerful Drill.

2 months ago
0.15 - 2.0

i Frame

7 years ago

(i know, second thread in 20 minutes)
Is there any way of enabling the frame around the drill without a fluid being needed?
i mean its less of an issue with angels infinite ore enabled, but i really love the look of the drill with the "fluid frame". Maybe just a blank frame when there isn't anything that needs the pipes?

Either way, amazing mod man.

7 years ago

If you want, you can go into the mod files and replace the plain pipe images with the framed ones. THey're the same image size so nothing'll go wrong.

7 years ago

Have you thought about going further with the graphical representation of the drill?

7 years ago

Not really. I used to have a much more detailed model, but the more complex animation required many more frames, and the game couldn't handle the load. Though, if you have a shiny drill animation that you think would be better, you can use my code. I don't much mind. I made this mod because I wanted it to exist, not to take pride in making it.

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