Noxys Waterfill

by _Noxy_

Various placeable waters. Very configurable.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Waterfill kills Constructron

1 year, 30 days ago

This is NOT a bug report -- rather, it's a request for any insight you might have on the interaction between this mod and Constructron Continued:

Ctron can now place turf, including landfill and waterfill. I have noted that your waterfill does not delete Spidertron. However, Constructron will be deleted when placing waterfill.

Why? Is this a problem with the waterfill, or the way the ctron prototype is set up? Can you offer any suggestions?

1 year, 29 days ago

I'd think spidertron would be deleted too. If entities can't be in water they should be deleted when they find themselves in water. This is also how you can kill yourself very quickly with waterfill provided you allow waterfill to replace entities (it is a mod setting).

But there are many things that could make ctron be deleted and to find out what might be quite a bit of work. All I know is that the waterfill mod in itself does not delete any entities (that stuff is deleted is a vanilla mechanic). So if something is deleting it while it shouldn't it is likely the ctron mod itself (or perhaps another mod).

I do think you can "fix" it by adding my swimming mod (though it has "side effects"). You could at least try to see if ctron works properly with swimming mod enabled (you should be able to remove it after without affecting your safegames).

1 year, 29 days ago
(updated 1 year, 29 days ago)

Thanks very much for the thoughtful response. For the record:

  • I have "Waterfillable" set to "None".
  • My spidertron can walk on shallow water. Spidertron is not deleted when I place your shallow waterfill under it, and the tiles under its legs are also waterfilled.
  • However, constructron is different: when placing waterfill under it manually, the tiles under its legs are not waterfilled. Construction bots from my personal robotport also refuse to waterfill those tiles. (I take it that is the 'Waterfillable' option doing its business.)

I think that suggests that Constructron is doing something that circumvents this protection logic.

  • Additionally, Constructron refuses to step on shallow water at all, while Spidertron has no problems.

I'm not sure what to make of that, since shallow water is in the base mod.

Regardless, all this points more toward Constructron than your Waterfill mod, in my opinion. Thanks again for the input.

Edit: P.S. Swimming mod did not change any of the above

1 year, 29 days ago

the tiles under its legs are not waterfilled
hhmmm This suggests to me that it uses a different collision mask for its legs compared to the spidertron. This could potentially be as simple as making the ctron use the same collision mask as the spidertron does (which you'd think it already did since it copies the graphics and behaviors).

Then again I haven't looked into how the ctron is actually made.

New response