Noxys Multidirectional Trains

by _Noxy_

Sneakily rotate locomotives that are being pulled backwards so that they actually help with acceleration instead of just being dead weight.

4 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g Issue with trains not rotating at a TSM Supply Station

5 years ago

Hi there,
Just started using your excellent mod.

Very good apart from one minor glitch.

I am using Train Supply Manager for controlling the trains which uses Supply stops to store trains before they are sent out to requester stops.

I have found that if a request comes in while the train is in transit from the station where it is being filled to the supply station, and is then sent out straight away the lead loco does not switch back from its reversed state, thus causing a no-path error.

Now it may be that I can configure TSM to prevent this, although I'm not quite sure how at present.

Is there a setting I can tweak in NMT which may cure this behaviour??

5 years ago

I've made a change that makes the trains unrotate their locomotives when they loose or otherwise have no path. This is released in version 1.1.2.

I hope this resolves your issue.

5 years ago

That seems to be working fine now - thank you very much.

New response