Noxys Multidirectional Trains

by _Noxy_

Sneakily rotate locomotives that are being pulled backwards so that they actually help with acceleration instead of just being dead weight.

1 year, 1 month ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Works?

4 years ago

How can i make sure this works? Should i see the locomotives flip orientation? Does engine smoke comes out of the (theoretically inactive) locomotive?

4 years ago

You should visibly see the back locomotive rotate to face the direction the train is going and help with acceleration.

4 years ago

Then it means it doesn't work for me. Does it only work for a particular layout of locomotives? Or it rotates any locomotive connected to a train to face the right direction?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

It only works on dual header trains (with locomotives facing both forward and backwards, the number and in what arrangement is irrelevant) and their schedule needs to be set to automatic.

4 years ago

Oooh, then that's why i couldn't get it to work! lol, i was testing it in manual. Maybe you should mention this in the description.

4 years ago

Alright I can do that. Thanks.

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