Noxys Less Hands More Assemblers

by _Noxy_

Our hands have become sore, we must not handcraft anymore. This mod changes recipes to require an assembling machine but it tries to not interfere with the early game too much.

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Support for AAI Industry and PyScience

6 years ago

In order to support AAI Industry the Motor should be hand-craftable as a lot of early game items require these, including the assembler 0.
PyScience has support for AAI Industry in the form of a special Science Pack 0. This one is needed for the first assembler as well.

Adding the following at line 38 of data-updates.lua allows the hand crafting of these items:
-- AAI Industry
["motor"] = true,
-- PyScience
["tcp-t0"] = true,
["sct-t0-cognition-mesh"] = true,
["sct-t0-erudition-turbine"] = true,

6 years ago

Thanks. Added in 0.0.4.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I will have to remember to finish testing before posting my code, PyScience's science pack 0 also requires "stone-tablet","burner-lab" and "burner-assembling-machine" if AAI Industry is installed. For AAI Science Pack 0 suport the following needs to be added:

--AAI Science Pack 0
["science-pack-0"] = true,

6 years ago

Lets hope 0.0.5 fixes all of that ;) (I don't have the time to test these myself).

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