Nepgear Player Replacer

Replaces the engineer with Nepgear

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Update to 0.18

4 years ago

An update to 0.18 please?

4 years ago


4 years ago


If you have lost interest in the mod/game would you be willing to transfer it to someone else to maintain it? (me for example)

4 years ago


If you have lost interest in the mod/game would you be willing to transfer it to someone else to maintain it? (me for example)

I think you should go ahead and update it yourself, maybe leaving a disclaimer stating that you are willing to remove the mod if the mod author so wishes. By the looks of it the creator is no longer active in the community.

4 years ago

The portal has no concept of "removing a mod". All you can do is mark things as deprecated. And well, there are a number of other considerations i'd have to think about before re-releasing a verbatim copy.

Btw all you have to currently do is change the version number in info.json.

4 years ago

Oh, nice, thank you for telling me, i've really missed playing with this!

Yes, while you cannot delete it, again, i don't really see it being a problem given the fact the developer has been inactive for over a year.

Um, i also have to ask.. was that mention about how to fix it a suggestion i should publish it myself instead?

4 years ago

Well. Those consideration are my considerations not yours ;).

No, that wasn't any kind of suggestion, that was just my usual tech-help comment. Not sure how good of an idea it is to publish a mod if you (yet?) lack the knowledge of how to fix it yourself if it ever breaks again, that's something you'd have to decide yourself. The only other mod i can see you have on the portal is outdated itself, and only you know how long you'll still be around factorio space.

Me and some other modders have been talking about a "Skin Selector" mod that integrates with other mods (mostly GearGirl atm) so that each player in multiplayer can decide which character they want. Sooo... that's kinda part of the "things i have to think about" considering Nepgear-chan.

4 years ago

Publishing mods not updated by their original authors is nothing new, look up all the people that post updated/revived/quickfix mods out there that just update the game version and hope for the best. Some of which even state they are just quick fixes and they offer no actual support, (obviously since they don't necessarily know how to do it) yet they publish it anyways for the good of the community.

The mod i published is a fork and slight tweak of another mod, published for personal use and so my friends can easily download it when playing together. It's not yet updated because i stopped using it myself and the original mod still exist, so i felt no need to.

The idea of a skin selector is indeed very neat, is it published somewhere yet?

All that being said, if you don't mind or don't want to do it yourself yet, i'd like to "fix" and publish this myself it for the same reasons stated above (personal use and convenience)

4 years ago

Wasn't saying it's a new thing as such. It certainly would be a first for me though. Only got originals so far. And as long as they serve a purpose and i'm here mine will always be compatible with the latest version. So i just personally have a different point of view on the the whole "abandoned mods" problem. The more duplicate/forked "dead" (but not properly marked [deprecated]) mods there are, the more cluttered the search results become. On that line of thought i also think you should deprecate the dirty path mod if you don't maintain it anymore.

Nope, not published yet. Maybe by the end of next month? Considerations. The way the portal currently works means that any "deprecated" entry crowds my mod list for all eternity, so i can't really publish early versions when there's still a chance that i might have to rename or restructure it. And also i'm not in a hurry.

Would you in turn mind adding me as a colaborator on that fork? If you just want that "it works" and have no desire to do any more work on it that would give me the ability to add some small technical tweaks to make it compatible with the skin-selector if it becomes nessecary. And also update info.json if you decide to leave factorio before i do ;).

4 years ago

Yep, will mark mine as deprecated, no problem and yes, will publish it and add you to it!

4 years ago

Do you have a name for it yet?

4 years ago

Sorry, can't do it right now, a bit busy, will post a link with it later today.

4 years ago

I am in no hurry. Just wondered if you have thought about a cool name. Just calling it "Nepgear Fork" would be kinda ugly. Maybe NepearContinued or NepgearAgain or something. Some game-related injoke maybe.

4 years ago

Nepgear Player Replacer Replacer?

4 years ago

If it's installed together with a selector mod it doesn't really replace anything anymore though.

4 years ago

yes well, i was just poking fun at a lazy way of renaming it :p

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Great! Nice name too :). And thanks for the invitation.

I applied some technical maintenance, mostly file size optimization. Added a proper changelog and base dependency.

Do you have a forum account? I check there more often (you can just pm me) and it's kinda weird using a thread on an abandoned mod as a main communications channel ;).

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Nice! Thank you for giving it some TLC. I sadly don't visit the forum that often, even for mods that i use/check, i post bugs and such on the mods page instead. But if you want a more direct way of talking we could do discord if you'd like since yes, we should let the dead here rest :).

4 years ago

I don't have discord for... various reasons. Even if i made an account i already know that i wouldn't check in more than once a month or so. Not that i imagine there would be much urgent communication needed. The whole character-selector thing isn't being rushed either as it looks. So i basically just wanted a backup channel. Can't find your name on the forum though.

New response