NPBees deprecated

by kaueNP

Create Bees to produce raw resources like copper,iron,coal...

6 years ago
0.14 - 0.16

g Getting started

8 years ago

hello, I downloaded your mod but cant seem to find any of the little bees or a way to produce them. how does one get started with this mod?

8 years ago

To Start,you need create a Cleam Bee,this bee can be create using alien artfact and Science pack

8 years ago

thank you, I feel kinda dumb for missing that.

7 years ago

It was a bit confusing for me, too, because there are 2 recipes for each kind of bee, so I kept missing the recipe for the Artifact + Science Pack. Later, once you get a few Little Bees (which come from Clean Bees), you can use the Little Bee to make more Clean Bees, so you may not need to constantly make more Clean Bees from using artifacts and Science Packs.

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