My Quick Start

by nm9311

Simple almost minimalistic Quick Start Mod: Start with one of 9 startup kits (Empty, Default, Default-militant, Tiny, Small, Medium, Big, Huge or CUSTOM) to improve or decrease your Factorio experience. The kit can be selected in the mod config settings. You can also choose to put items from kit to your quickbar or to do some research in advance (huge or custom kit). Now you can select what to put in which quickbar slot.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Choosing techs with custom start?

4 years ago

How do you choose the starting techs with the custom start?

4 years ago

You can not choose. You can only enable/disable almost all technologies except rocket fuel, rocket control unit and silo in custom or huge kits. I must think how make this as an option(s).

4 years ago

I missed the option in the startup section of the mod settings to turn it on and off, as the rest of the options are in the per player section and I wasn't looking there.
Thanks for the clarification on how it works.

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