
by Mxlppxl

Adds even more achievements for players that are as crazy as I am. Can you reach 1 trillion iron plates, let alone one trillion of anything? Official Mxl-Achievements discord at

3 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g my epic comeback to 100% complete this mod

2 years ago

Greetings again, I'm sorry I was absent, I haven't shown any signs of life for more than a year, that's because I died, but I survived XD

What has not died is my determination to complete this mod, so again, I reset the progress, and started a new world

This time I am not going to abuse mods like the previous ones, I am only going to play with 5 mods, one that makes all the items in the game more expensive, the 248k mod with some adjustments to make it quite tedious and dense, and the rest a few mods that will help me a little throughout this adventure

Every month I will come back to update my progress, I hope to be able to complete it this time

See you on October 18 ;)

2 years ago

Good luck my friend!

2 years ago

How goes your comeback? I lost about 400 billion in Iron and Copper when I rolled back patches.

New response