MSP - 30 new Science Packs

--DISCLAIMER: I did not create this mod I just increased the factorio version and added a fix mod-- Play with 30 new science packs and a new technology tree (if omniLib enabled) that adds efficiency tech to the various science packs. This mod is not an extension to lovely_santa's mod by a similar name. It adds 30 science packs but they are all pretty inexpensive. A TON of customization exists for the mod and individual packs can be disabled or have their output levels tweaked. Mod integration engine designed to add pack types to entire tech tree (only applies to technology that can be traced back to vanilla tech). Optional inclusion of omniLib enables new tech tree that unlocks various levels of efficiency tiers for each pack that will auto-update machines when research completes.

1 year, 8 months ago
This mod 34 From other mods 23
Dependency types:
Default 34 Required 1 Conflict 0 Optional 33 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 3.36M
base >= 1.1 -
z-Chems-MSP-Softlock-Fix >= 1.1.0 135
omnilib >= 3.0.9 23.2K
omnimatter >= 3.0.1 12.4K
omnimatter_crystal >= 3.0.0 5.65K
omnimatter_science >= 3.0.4 4.36K
5dim_battlefield >= 0.16.9 21.3K
aai-industry >= 0.3.16 486K
AllAboutMoney >= 0.0.3 24
angelspetrochem >= 0.8.5 190K
angelsrefining >= 0.10.12 193K
angelssmelting >= 0.5.7 185K
BigLab >= 0.0.2 46
Bio_Industries >= 0.17.30 49.9K
bobassembly >= 0.17.6 248K
bobelectronics >= 0.17.5 231K
boblogistics >= 0.17.14 277K
bobmodules >= 0.17.4 222K
bobplates >= 0.17.10 242K
bobrevamp >= 0.17.6 208K
bobtech >= 0.17.6 223K
bobwarfare >= 0.17.10 249K
morebobs 15
DiscoScience >= 1.0.0 179K
DeadlockCrating >= 1.5.1 15.9K
dark-matter-replicators >= 0.7.13 100
Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Advanced-Tech 24
Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Hyper-Logistic 31
Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Machines 37
expanded-rocket-payloads >= 0.17.1 39
RocketTurrets >= 0.0.5 15
RocketTurretsNonBob >= 0.0.4 9
SeaBlock 90.3K
Space-Chests 5
Last dependency data update: 7 hours ago (for v0.1.31)