More Crafting Groups

Sorts out some items to make searching for them easier. Primarly made with Space Exploration and Krastorio 2 in mind. Now with adjustable inventory width!

4 months ago

i Move more into Space category

4 months ago

First, thanks for making this mod. Instantly made the crafting more manageable when you have K2+SE.

I feel like at the very least all variants of the Cargo Rocket Section should be moved to the Space category. I could also see arguments for Rocket Control unit as well as the Cargo Pod, Rocket Fuel Tank, and the (life support) cannisters also be added to the Space section.

4 months ago

Thank you for your feedback!
I was considering separating out space-only manufacturing recipes before but decided against it because it would either clutter the space tab, or add another category, which would wrap on another line. I am currently working on adding setting to adjust the inventory width to better fit more crafting categories, and
I will be adding 'Space Manufacturing' tab. I will be add in an option to move some basic recipes to the base 'Space' category. Check the mod settings after the update.

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