Mining Space Industries II

Your team was hired by MSI (Mining Space Industries) with a purpose: extract mineral riches from a distant planet, and investigate something else that will be revealed later by the mission control. But you had a terrible accident when landing... again. Will you be able to accomplish the task you were hired for?

3 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

g MSI Worker Droid Button vanished

a month ago

While playing MSI II + Space Exploration, I want to mine some stones from the patch for landfill with the droid. I click on the button and set the command to mine stones. Then nothing happens, so I set the command again and close the window. Now the button for the droid has been vanished.

How I can turn on the button?
Reload doesn't work, except older file (it's up to 10 hours between both files).
I already have searched the bug report unsuccessfully.

a month ago

Go to informatron menu, companions, and enable the button

a month ago

Thank you very much!
Never though a solution on this way.

New response