Mining Space Industries II

Your team was hired by MSI (Mining Space Industries) with a purpose: extract mineral riches from a distant planet, and investigate something else that will be revealed later by the mission control. But you had a terrible accident when landing... again. Will you be able to accomplish the task you were hired for?

3 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Some bugs in Rocket Delivery missions

3 years ago

In last missions (to recover 2x recipes) there are extra messages appear (buggy).

After completing Rocket Delivery missions new recipes names 2x doubled.

And when I try to use FNEI mod (info about recipes), game freezing and desyncing.

3 years ago

The 2x2x is a problem. If leave it without one of the 2x, is will show none on the informatron mission: "advanced circuit", and the on character craft screen is shows the 2xadvanced circuit...
I have no idea why FNEI is freezing. Maybe the double recipes of the same item is causing wrong looping maths... You should contact the author.

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