Mining Space Industries II

Your team was hired by MSI (Mining Space Industries) with a purpose: extract mineral riches from a distant planet, and investigate something else that will be revealed later by the mission control. But you had a terrible accident when landing... again. Will you be able to accomplish the task you were hired for?

3 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Bit of a rage: Quests

3 years ago

I started this pack + krastorio 2 about a week ago. I spent the first two-three hours trying to figure out how to to complete the MSI bot quest as there was no text-based list as to the required components. Since the required parts are all grey... (stone tablets, iron beams, etc) I was confused. I tried putting iron plates in to no avail. Got steel parts; not right. turns out it wanted stone tablets, iron beams, and iron gears. Every single quest is a guessing game that leaves me carrying all the components i can think of when i go to do them. I can only imagine the frustration that a color-blind person would feel.

I have since been fighting off the bosses that attack my base with no provocation. (note; they attack regardless of pollution. Apparently on a timer. WHY?!) I've lost my bots at least 7 times to a boss. This puts me back in the "fixing all the BS" from the last attack cycle until the next boss decides to trample all over my stuff. This is long before you get bots (and ghosts for easy repairs). this cycle isn't much fun.

1) Why does the first spitter boss have 15K health? The players DPS with an SMG results in hours of kiting it around to kill it.
2) why are the first boss' spitter's? Before the biters have even evolved to produce them you are attacked by a 15k HP spitter that one shots everything.
3) the second time the MSI bot was destroyed it required advanced circuits to rebuild. I didn't even have walls automated. Wtf?

There is no effective counter to fighting the bosses in the early game short of massing turrets. If you don't know you need 50-100 turrets by the time it attacks, all your prior work is screwed.

The mechanic of a repeatedly increasing price to repair the MSI bot has led me to leave it in the nearest lake instead of using it to do stuff. It simply isn't worth the work of rebuilding it.

1) add text based lists to quests so you can easily see what is required
2) David's explosion should do enough damage to significantly weaken a boss.
3) David should either have his own remote or an order to follow the MSI bot.
4) the MSI bot repair quest shouldn't have an adaptive price. It should have a high price of basic materials that is counter-able by automating inputs.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Thanks for your impressions. Will consider it on next updates.
About bosses: adjusting dificulty is not that simple. Some people think bosses are too weak, while others think they are hard. Thats why I added mod options for Boss HP and DAMAGE.

3 years ago

Hey thanks for the reply. I think I was having a bit of a dumb day tbh.

I added the "combat overhaul" mod. It's extremely important that the spitter boss' projectiles are blocked by walls. Since I added it, it's been much easier and more fun to boot-- blocking flying projectiles by plopping a wall down is an interesting minigame.

Since I've gotten used to the item icons quests aren't so difficult-- but it's probably still very frustrating in a new players early game & those of us who cannot see color.

3 years ago

I will add those item names on the mission panel

3 years ago

I am playing Space Exploration + MSI for first time, did vanilla playthrough before.

Current run: 4 hours playtime.

2 Biter Bosses Spawn and attack me as I escort the robot to get green science. -> Steam roll me as I have barely any defenses.

I reload my Savegame.

This time 2 Spitter Bosses spawn and I didn't trigger the quest.
One is trapped on an island (nice for me).
The 2nd one has 45k HP and he is nearing my base attacking it within the next 2 minutes.

My defences:
Gun-Turrets are useless as it outranges them.
200x SMG with red Ammo (got red ammo from a quest, didnt even automate getting ammo yet) -> Using 200 red ammo + Poison I do 5k damage.
Defender Capsule
Poison Capsule (doing 8 dps vs 45k lol)
Heavy Amor (still getting one shot on direct hit)

What am I supposed to do?

All I can think of is craft infinite ammo and walls so that I can rebuild walls whilst I am shooting the Spitter.
So if 200 Red Ammo is 5k damge, this will require about 1.800 red ammo to kill it. So probably like 3k normal ammo.

If he lands a direct hit I am instantly dead.

Please help. (or am I too bad as I don't have shit after 4 hours?)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I now have set the HP to 0.25 so I may have a chance lol

3 years ago

I made it on 0.25, just spam lots of walls if anyone reads this in the future.

3 years ago

I made it on 0.25, just spam lots of walls (500) if anyone reads this in the future.

New response