Mining Space Industries II

Your team was hired by MSI (Mining Space Industries) with a purpose: extract mineral riches from a distant planet, and investigate something else that will be revealed later by the mission control. But you had a terrible accident when landing... again. Will you be able to accomplish the task you were hired for?

3 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Turrets delayed at shooting?

3 years ago

Hi, is it intended that turrets don't start firing immediately when placed?

3 years ago

Yes. It its. 12 seconds

3 years ago

I see, thank you. I'm assuming it's an anti-turret creep mechanic?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I see, thank you. I'm assuming it's an anti-turret creep mechanic?

Yes, i have some friends that loves fill4me and just run besides nests dropping turrets. And thats not fair with the natives

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