Mechanicus (Rebuild)

by Morton

For the glory of the machine god. A character skin that brings the glory of the Omnissiah to an unexploited world. (now with a color mask!, also works with character selectors)

20 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [Done] I need help

20 days ago

Failed to load mod ´´CharacterModHelper/data.lua:75: bad argument #1 of 2 to ´pairs´ (table expected, got nil)
[C]: in function ´pairs´
CharacterModHelper/data.lua:75: in function ´apply_properties´
CharacterModHelper/data.lua:75: in function ´create_prototypes´
MechanicusMiniMAX/data.lua:119: in main chunk´´

Mods that will be disabled:
Mechanicus´MiniMAX (0.1.7)

When I updated the mod, I can't play because the character doesn't exist.

20 days ago

This is partly related to the update of the Helper Mod, if you use 2.0.0 of that mod it will work. Looking into a fix on my end.

20 days ago

Correction this has been fixed in 2.0.2 of the Character Helper Mod.

New response