Mobile Factory: Compat

Fixes some unfortunate collisions between Krastorio and Mobile Factory, Namely adding Dimesional Fluid pump support

3 years ago

i You are the man!

3 years ago


Robot256 revealed your work for me, so here I am with info and selfish wishes. :)
Take as much as you want, recycle the rest!

Mineral water pumps are working on dimensional fluids.

I consider all researches on this mod easy and small.
There is the option tick to "have all things researched" and "start with mobile factory" so all research costs might be raised a x10 multiplier.
What do you think about it?

Duplicate materials:
Sand, silicon, oxygen and hydrogen mainly.
I went into the zips to look around, and it seems to be Mobile Factory has mfSand while Krastorio 2 has Sand as a naming convention.
I could hack the original, but I lack the knowledge yet to make a compat mod.
I even offer to do the boring part of collecting and modifying the revelant text data if you send me a template and what to search for.

Material storage system:
For me in the beginning of furnighing my java SandCrawler, the resources in the digital material container are few, and frequently fluctuate having 0 of them.
So when I try to take something exact out, it's a reflex game for me, as per now, the system doesn't show if an infinite (10 million) container has no items in it.
Would it be possibble to show them at all times, with a zero count if they are empty?

Thank you for reading and I hope for a positive answer. :)

New response