Logistic Request Manager deprecated

by Goalie

Allows you to save and switch between custom personal logistic presets, as well as request blueprints.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i Edit preset config

5 years ago

Another idea .. give the ability to adjust the number of items to be requested within the "Logistic Request Manager" GUI, currently you only see a list of icons for a given preset.

It would possibly be nice to select an icon and adjust the number being requested without having to go back to the main inventory and adjusting them then re-saving the preset on the GUI.

5 years ago

I will consider this, I definitely had a lot of trouble deciding what would be the most intuitive way to have the UI interact with your regular inventory. One thing I disliked about other logistic slot mods was how they all needed you to set everything up in their own interface rather than just pulling your existing configuration.

One option I've considered is making existing presets editable in the interface rather than requiring you to load them first, while still using your regular inventory to make new ones. In this case, would it make more sense to link the save button to edits you make in the preset gui rather than your inventory, or should any changes just autosave and the save button still pulls from your inventory?

If anyone else has feedback on the UI in general feel free to add on.

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