Logistic Request Manager deprecated

by Goalie

Allows you to save and switch between custom personal logistic presets, as well as request blueprints.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i When using the BluePrint feature append rather than replace

5 years ago

Any chance you could merge the items required from a blueprint into the current logistic requests rather than replacing everything. You might want to request items for multiple blueprints before going off to build them. Appending the items on top of the current would allow this to work.

5 years ago

This one is definitely on my todo list, I'll hopefully be able to get to it sometime in the next week.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Added in version 0.17.2. If an item is already requested the count will be added, I'm considering tweaks to this behavior though.

Example: If you're already requesting 100 red belts and request a blueprint that requires 50, your request will go up to 150. In this case should it stay at 100 as you've already satisfied the blueprint? Similarly, if you're requesting 25 and require 50, should it increase to 75 or just to 50? I could see an argument for either way, i.e. if you're requesting multiple blueprints back to back and want to make sure you have enough materials for all of them. On the other hand, you don't want a thousand extra belts coming your way if they're already part of your standard requests. Any thoughts on the matter would be appreciated!

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